Ngarkuesi i Kamjonave – Truck Loader
Ngarkoni kamjonet me Traktorin tuaj me pirun magentik! Poziciononi cdo ngarkese ne vendin e duhur ose shoferi nuk do te ngelet i kenaqur. Me 20 nivele te ndryshme kjo loje do ju argetoje pa mase.
Traffic Hazard
There are no traffic lights in this big city. So it’s up to you to control the traffic. This isn’t the easiest job so pay attention to every vehicle and watch out noone crashes! Use your mouse to give the vehicle a boost, use spacebar and mouse to stop the vehicle.
Army Pursuit
race to pursuit the enemy and be the best in the army
Park my truck 3
Your task is to park the truck in a special place, but on the way you will be faced with different obstacles.What’s new in the third part of the game: Improvements in truck. Now there is a choice of 3 types of difficulty levels: Easy, Medium and Hard.In addition you have to [...]
Santa Truck Parking
Park santa truck filled with gifts to the destination point. Park exactly how it is marked to reach next level. Collect gifts on your way for high score. Have Fun with this new christmas game. Use arrow keys to move your truck.
Ghost Highway
Fun and exciting test the hardness of your hand, motility and ability to concentrate.The game has three levels of increasing complexity due to increasing speed.You can check the speed of response at any level.Tractor – slowly, truck – faster, and finally the extreme s [...]
3D Quad Bike Racing
Drift and barge your way to the finish line as you challenge your fellow quad racers for the ultimate victory! Be warned though, you’re in for a bumpy ride!
Gara me makina Go Kart – Kart On
Kart On eshte nje loje emocionuese me makina Go-Kart me 3 menyra loje ne 6 pista te ndryshme kunder 11 kundershtareve me shpejtesi te ndryshme. Ne secilen piste shpejtesia me e mire e pistes regjistrohet duke ju dhene nje mundesi per te thyer rekordin tuaj personal me vone. Te je [...]
Angry Harvester
New free online picturesque car game by Rule the combine, drive on the streets of the city that was quite in former times, and crash the cars that are on your way. The police and army send the best troops to struggle against the furious combine. Who will be th [...]
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